Hi, I'm Jianmin Chen

I'm a high school student with a passion for building things.

I discovered programming at the age of ten when I discovered a book by accident at my local library called Python for Kids. Since then, I’ve learned about web development entirely by myself through the Internet, taking the well-known CS50 course to learn Flask and researching and learning how to use various web frameworks and databases.

While web development is my main focus, I'm excited by all aspects computer, whether that be hardware or software. At school, I'm in a program where we study IT and regularly build computers and cables as well as set up routers and switches to learn more about the inner workings of computer hardware.

Currently, I'm learning more about Blockchains and hackathons. Hint: Hover on the circles if you're on desktop!

These are (just) some of my projects.

Take a look at them and let me know your thoughts! (Plus, I've got a few top-secret projects I'm currently working on that are nearly done, and smaller projects that can be found on the social media links below.)


It's as simple as it sounds: office hours for inboxes. Users can choose a time, and people will only be able to message them during this time.

View web app →


A chatroom application where you can create chatrooms and message people! I created this in order to learn Flask, and while it's not the most efficient (it doesn't use sockets), it worked and is definitely something I'm proud of.

View web app →


A proof-of-concept I'm hoping to build upon. Basically, the concept behind it is this: gamify the volunteering experience to make it fun for those who don't typically volunteer!

View web app →


Eloquent is a Typora theme designed for writing technical books. It's minimal and easy to use, and actually based on a book I read on JavaScript called Eloquent JavaScript. (Typora is a desktop Markdown editor that I commonly use.)

View theme page →


JavaScript library for simple web scraping. through this project, I learned a lot about how JavaScript async functions work, as well as what Promises do. This was actually my final project for CS50!

View library documentation →


TechDoc is a Jekyll theme designed for writing technical documentation! It's quick and easy to set up, and has over 10,000 downloads. (Jekyll is a blogging tool written in Ruby.)

View library on RubyGems.org →

Interested in contacting me?

Let me know your name, email, and question and I'll get back to you right away! I can also be found through the following social media: